martes, 23 de abril de 2024

John William Waterhouse


The Magic Circle 

Serge Marshennikov


Oil paints on canvas
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COllaboration Paloma de la Torre ( Cromofora La)/ Roberto Ferri


Amor que embriagas mis ojos desnudos,

Era yo, tenaz ave sobrevolando cada átomo

Durmiente que ni sueña ni espera,

Era el torrente del manantial más puro

Que desemboca en donde la muerte resplandece,

El calor de mis labios derramando tus latidos

En la humedad, al roce de mi cuerpo desnudo…

Collaboration Paloma de la Torre / Roberto Ferri ( painting) 

lunes, 15 de abril de 2024

Collaboration Paloma de la Torre/ Roberto Ferri


Por vos he de morir,
por vos muero,
tras la fragancia que derrite
la cadencia en mi sueño,
erizado, santiguado en inmortal tiempo,
resbalando entre mis labios y,
en el perderme tú me acabame,
mientras la luna perseguirá maliciosa
los pétalos abiertos de tu nombre…

Paloma de la Torre ( Cromofora La)c
Painting Roberto Ferri

Roberto Ferri / Paloma de la Torre ( Cromofora La)c 

martes, 9 de abril de 2024



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miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2024



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David Molesky


David Molesky is an internationally recognized oil painter and writer based in Brooklyn, New York. New York-based artist David Molesky explores human agency as the driving force behind political protest in his series entitled "Riot Paintings". In the aftermath of the 2014 Ukrainian revolution, Molesky was inspired by media coverage of the events to create this politically charged series. The turbulent scenes we find in "Riot Paintings" look very similar to those found in our own corner of the world, from Baltimore to Ferguson. By taking an intimate approach to this subject matter and focusing on the role of the individual, Molesky unlocks universal themes of a very human process that transcend our national boundaries.